Sunday, July 14, 2013

Breaking the Silence

(The Old Library at Trinity College--one of my favorite experiences so far!)

Greetings from the Emerald Isle! I am alive and well and rambling about over here across the pond. Just wanted to stick my head in at the isle so you all don't think I've been stolen by a leprechaun. It's been a whirlwind week and a half, first a week in Dublin at Trinity College, now several days in Galway. Days have been chock full of classes, lectures, workshops, readings, sightseeing. I think I may have forgotten how to sleep in the process. But it's been such a delightful time (apart from the heatwave Ireland's experiencing--ugh) and I wanted to post just a few pictures.

I also just received today the cover art for the novella collection that my novella is apart of. I was so excited when I received it that I actually did a happy dance in a coffee shop this afternoon. So I'm posting a photo of that as well for you to see. (Though I do apologize for the pictures being uncentered and somewhat unformatted--technology while traveling can get a bit squirrelly.)

Hope you enjoy the view! Monday it's off to Scotland!

Countryside heading West from Dublin to Galway

The Old Library at Trinity College

The harbor at Howth, just outside Dublin.

A view of the Island's Eye at sunset (in Howth)

My friend Joe introduced me to oysters--maiden oyster voyage at the Temple Bar wasn't bad.

Oranmore Castle

My dear friend Karen and I on our way to Galway.

We saw a play in Dublin called "Shush"--very funny!

Crazy excited about the novella collection cover art!!

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  1. Cool beans, Anna! I love the book cover. And the pics from Ireland. SO fun :)


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