Monday, January 6, 2014

Steaming and Streaming: it may be procrastination or it may simply be neuroses (but I blame Scott Foley)

Yesterday my husband and children were away, and I was left blissfully alone and to my own devices. So I took the day to do some writing, but more importantly, to create a writing schedule to help me organize deadlines and set aside the time I need to get writing done. Yet, if you're like me, the path to true organization and creative productivity never does run smooth. Here's a little glimpse into my internal monologue as I sat down to work:

Okay, for the month of January what's my writing schedule look like? Oo, I should create a table on Word and help myself visualize, no, not visualize, well, yes visualize, but also have something to refer to because my brain doesn't retain information the way it did in college when I was a double major taking 29 credit hours in a semester and never needing to use a planner or post-it notes for anything besides phone messages for my Brazilian roommate who never looked at them anyway. [takes out laptop and boots up] Oh, that's right, I'm out of post-it notes at work, so I should maybe bring a couple pads from home to restock. [walks downstairs to office, retrieves post-it notes, puts in work tote, looks at coffeemaker] While I'm down here I should make myself some coffee because I just watched Scott Foley on an old episode of Scandal and he's sipping a steaming beverage from a cool-looking mug and it makes me want to sip something hot from a cool-looking mug [walks to cabinet and retrieves said mug] especially since it's 11 degrees out and I haven't turned on the heat yet this morning. [places mug in Keurig, realizes the water in the Keurig needs refilled before more coffee can be brewed] Jonathan always refills the water in the Keurig, I'm not sure I know how to do it . . . but it's not rocket science. I passed Statistics in college on the first try, so I know that the left part of my brain has at least some functioning power. Ugh, I hated statistics. An early morning class that required an IV of caffeine to get through. [Pulls water canister from side of Keurig, walks to sink, refills and returns to Keurig.] Now, coffee. Because I want to look cool like Scott Foley. I remember when he was on Felicity, oh, how I loved that show in college. And it's on Netflix now. I should have a Felicity marathon. Because I clearly have so much free time on my hands. Although I'm not sure I can handle any more conversations that start with "Hey." [Rolls eyes. Places K-cup in Keurig, presses the "start" button, listens to the Keurig whir to life.] I can't wait to get my hands around a warm cool-looking mug. Warmth. That's right, I was gonna turn on the heat. [walks to thermostat] It's 45 degrees in here! No wonder I'm cold. Is it going to snow today? I should probably check the weather and see what the forecast is. [pulls out iPhone] Hm, freezing rain. Maybe we'll get a delay tomorrow for our first day back to school after 2 weeks off. It's gonna be painful tomorrow getting up at 5:30 AM. But I'm not gonna think about that right now. Instead, since I'm already on my phone, I may as well check Facebook and Twitter. Sweet, 6 more followers on Twitter. Hm, just can't seem to break a 1000 Twitter followers. I've been in the 930s for months. Why don't people follow me? I would follow me. Facebook, wow, lots of new status updates just posted. Sheesh! So-and-So just posted 87 new pins from Pinterest as a status update, because it's not enough for Pinterest followers to see those new pins, the Facebook world must know as well. And look at all these new years resolutions to lose weight, read more books, and haha! someone said they want to organize their K-cups. K-cups. My coffee. [returns to kitchen] Dang it. Coffee's cold. It's no wonder. It's still 45 degrees in here. There are icicles hanging from the nostrils of my cat. And now I can't sip a steaming beverage like Scott Foley because this is no longer steaming! Microwave to the rescue! [heats coffee in microwave, pours in creamer] Oo, we're nearly out of creamer. I should put that on the grocery list for this week. Shoot, I put my last post-it pad in my school bag. I'll need to use something else to start a grocery list. [rifle through debris on kitchen counter] Envelope from Poets & Writers promotional subscription letter. Perfect. Which reminds me, I need to take advantage of this great subscription deal. I've been meaning to subscribe for awhile, but this seems the perfect time to do so! [begins to fill out subscription info. hums.] There, subscription complete. I'll write out the check later. I should write that on a post-it to remind me. Wait. No more post-its. I'll use this now-superfluous envelope from my now-complete Poets & Writers subscription letter. But wasn't I going to use this for something else? Yes, grocery list. But what was I going to put on my list? No idea. [takes sip of coffee] Cold again? Already?! [places mug back in microwave and heats beverage in cool-looking mug] That'll do it. Good, steam. I see steam rising. I can drink my beverage that is steaming. [takes a sip] hot! Too hot! Well, I'll take the still-steaming mug upstairs and let it cool awhile so I can get back to writing. [after more iPhone checking, grocery list creating, and coffee reheating that takes nearly 45 minutes, stairs are climbed and writing resumes]

See? Cool, right? I know.
And now you see why this writer's productivity level is so ridiculously low. But before I go on, let me address the questions that you are, I'm certain, begging to have answered:

  • Yes, I think in complete sentences
  • Yes, I burned my tongue and it still has that tingly feeling you get when your mouth has been scalded
  • No, I did not feel nearly as cool as Scott Foley looked when sipping from a steaming mug

Now, if you want to criticize my internal monologue, you can send complaints with a SASE to:

Complaint Department
c/o Olivia Pope (a.k.a.the Fixer)
1 ABC Television Studios and/or Netflix Instant Streaming Blvd.
Washington, D.C. 55555

After doing so you will immediately be apprehended by covert group B613 and thrown into a dark hole in the ground. Because that's how we deal with judgy people. Okay, so maybe watching 2 seasons of Scandal in 1 weekend was too much.

Happy Monday, all!


  1. thanks for making me smile. happy new year!

    1. So glad I could make you smile, Bev. All the best to you this New Year

  2. Seriously. January is practically made for distraction. Counterintuitive, true, but that's the way it is. I relate!

    1. So glad I'm not alone in feeling this - thanks, Katie!

  3. Oh my goodness this is hilarious, love it!

  4. Sounds very familiar. Yesterday I did a similar walkabout while planning. Lol. My calendar is only half filled with the dates it needs to be. Yet I know I need deadlines and due dates to make progress! Happy writing this year.

    1. Yes, deadlines are a necessity for this girl. Happy writing to you too, Drema!

  5. Yeah. Welcome to my absentminded world, too. My internal monologue is much the same but I am apparently too old to know who Scott Foley is. He's really cute though, about like one of my sons. And I love your complaint department. Mine is a giant mouse trap with a red button that says complaint department press here.
    As to Twitter followers, I'll send you the dozens I have who assure me they will get me thousands and thousands of followers for a small fee. One left me a direct message just yesterday :)

    1. Ooo, love that complaint department. And I'm honestly not too concerned about Twitter followers. My loyalty to the Twittersphere is not singleminded, in fact, I believe I got that same direct message yesterday :) Love seeing you here, my cohort in absentmindedness :)

  6. You made me laugh! If you give a Mama a Muffin, comes to mind. Even though we're a few years apart, it's good to know we're not really that far apart in thinking. Funny for me, scary for you ;)

    1. Haha! Yes! If You Give A Mama A Muffin is spot-on! That's exactly what it's like! Thanks, Marty :) So fun to see you here!

  7. hahaha, that's what I'm like when I'm trying to paint....sometimes that blank canvas actually scares me. :0)

    1. Oh, the blank canvas. Very intimidating. I find any possible avenue of procrastination when staring at a blank page. So nice to see you, Debbi!


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